
The Euroregional Center for Democracy has the privilege to invite you to the „Responsible Governance in Higher Education” conference on Wednesday, 21 May, at 15:00 P.M. The event will be held at the Timisoara Hotel, Marasesti street 1-3, in the London hall.   

The conference’s main goal is to highlight the results of the research made at the university centers of Arad, Cluj, and Timisoara, concerning the identification of decision making mechanism types in the academic environment (the leadership of universities, faculties, administrative branches, and student`s associations). The results of the research will support the implementation of a more transparent and active decision making style in the universities included in the research.
The ISRA Center Marketing Research in Bucharest conducted the research in the period 31 March – 15 May 2008.

The Responsible Governance in Higher Education project is an inniative which aims at defining and implementing a general framework of transparent and effective responsible governance for the processes of decision making and educational management, including the cultural diversity management in the Arad, Cluj, and Timisoara university centers. The project is unfolded with the partnership of „Aurel Vlaicu” university in Arad, and with the financial support of the European Union through the PHARE 2005 program - the Consolidation of the Romanian democracy, Part 2 – Democracy, human rights, rule of law, the independence of justice, and the fight against corruption.

For further details, we kindly ask you to look up in the event’s preliminary agenda, as well as in the brief description of the project which can be found in the annexe.

We would like you to confirm your presence, at the cbalint@regionalnet.org e-mail address or at the 0256-221471/221472telephone number  until the 20 May 2008 at 13:00 p.m.  Contact person: Balint-Codrean Cătălin (project coordinator).  

 Best regards,
 Ilona Mihăieş
 Executive President CED
The Regional Summer School for Youth Entrepreneurs
Between 11 and 16 September 2017, the Association for the Promotion of Women in Romania (APFR), together with the Euroregional Center for Democracy in Timișoara (CED), organized the Regional Summer School for Youth Entrepreneurs ”Antreprenor5Vest” at Secu Resort, Caraș-Severin.
Romanian – Norwegian cooperation for improving accessibility of universities and university libraries in Western Romania
Between 4 and 9 June, 2016, the Euroregional Center for Democracy (CED) made a study visit to Halden and Oslo, Norway, in order to set the ground for a Romanian-Norwegian know-how exchange, in the field of accessibility of universities and university libraries for people with disabilities.
The All-Inclusive Universities website
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The Inclusive Campus Competition
The Euroregional Center for Democracy (CED) from Timisoara, Romania, and the School of Management in Fribourg, Switzerland, are launching a competition to select student organizations or initiative groups to conduct communication/advocacy campaigns in the university campuses of Timisoara.

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