Poll regarding the problems of citizens

Results of  the poll regarding the problems of citizens

The Euroregional Center for Democracy will launch on June 15, 2006 at 5pm the results of a poll applied in Timișoara with the aim of identifying the main problems the citizens are confronted with in their relation with the local public institutions. The event will take place in the Council Room of the City Hall of Timisoara, Bd. C. D. Loga, nr. 1.

The objectives of the current study include:

  • To establish the perception of the citizens on the image of the City Hall and the Local Council of Timișoara

  • To identify the problems of the citizens of Timișoara

  • To evaluate population’s level of satisfaction regarding the quality of public services

  • To determine the sources of information citizens use to find out about the City Hall’s activities and competences

  • To highlight the channels of communication used between the local authorities and the community

  • To investigate the perception on possible practices of corruption within the departments of the City Hall and the main causes

  • To determine citizens’ level of knowledge regarding the existence of the District Consultative Councils and their role.

The innitiative takes place within Pro communitas project, implemented with the financial support of the European Union through Phare 2003 Strenghtening Civil Society in Romania Program.

For more information please contact us at: Euroregional Center for Democracy, Str. Semenic nr. 10, Phone: 221471, E-mail: vgherhes@regionalnet.org (Vasile Gherheș, Project Manager).

To download the poll click here.
The Regional Summer School for Youth Entrepreneurs
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Romanian – Norwegian cooperation for improving accessibility of universities and university libraries in Western Romania
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The All-Inclusive Universities website
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