Results of the poll
"Transparency and Integrity in Higher Education" Conference
The Euroregional Center for Democracy and the Academy of Advocacy organized the conference "Transparency and Integrity in Higher Education" on May 25, 2006.
The aim of the event was to present the results of the poll realized by Metro Media Transilvania on the theme of corruption in the academic institutions at the level of the four state-funded public universities from Timișoara University Center: West University, Politehnica University, University of Agricultural Sciences of Banat and University of Medical Sciences and Pharmacy "Victor Babeș". On this ocassion the task groups have presented the projects of the four advocacy campaigns for academic transparency and integrity that will be carried out in the four universities.
The participants in the conference gathered representatives from the state universities from Timișoara and other cities, youth organisations, students and journalists, including Mr Nicolae Robu, rector of Politehnica University and Mr Ioan Mihai, Rector of West University, Mr Mihai Decun, professor at the University of Agricultural Sciences of Banat and Mrs Norina Forna, Dean at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy "Gr. T. Popa" from Iași.
Ms Ilona Mihăieș, executive president of CED presented the project"Transparency and Integrity", while Mr Mircea Comșa from Metro Media Transilvania made public the results of the poll regarding corruption in Timișoara University Center. Andreea Firăstrăeru (Academy of Advocacy) and Valeriu Lingurar (CED) introduced the Coalition for Transparency and Integrity. The representatives of the task groups from the four state universities reffered to the concept of advocacy campaign for Transparency and Integrity. Roxana Senco and Liviu Herman (UVT), Andreea Pop and Alin Semenescu (USABT), Silviu Pașca (UMF) and Alexandru Bleau (UPT) delivered the presentations.
This innitiative is part of the project "Transparency and Integrity in Higher Education - A Program to Develop a Coalition of Non-governmental Organisations to Prevent Corruption", implemented with the financial support of the European Union through Phare 2003 Program Strengthening Civil Society in Romania.
The results of the poll can be seen on the webpage, poll section.