The Euroregional Center for Democracy has the privilege to invite you to the Responsible Governance in Higher Education Final Conference, on Friday, 26 September 2008, at 12:00 A.M. The event will be held at “Aurel Vlaicu” University from Arad, Revolutiei street, nr.77, Amphitheatre room.
The conference’s main goal is to highlight the results of the activities developed during the project (training sessions in Lobby, Advocacy and Networking, research concerning the identification of decision making mechanism types in the academic environment, workshops on themes such as `Transparency in PR and Communication`, `Management of consultation processes`, `Participatory management and management of cultural diversity`).
Members of the academic community from Arad, Cluj and Timisoara will participate at the conference, also students and representatives of student’s organizations/youth organizations .
The conference is organized within the Responsible Governance in Higher Education: a program to promote principles of good governance in state-funded universities from Arad, Cluj and Timisoara university centers. The project is unfolded with the partnership of „Aurel Vlaicu” university in Arad, and with the financial support of the European Union through PHARE 2005 Program - Strengthening Democracy in Romania, Component 2– Democracy, human rights, rule of law, the independence of justice, and the fight against corruption.
For further details, we kindly ask you to look up in the event’s preliminary agenda.
Please confirm your participation at e-mail: or phone: 0256 221471/ 0356 401139 by September 25, 2008, 16:00 P.M. the latest. Contact person: Balint-Codrean Cătălin, Project coordinator.
Best regards, Ilona Mihăieş Executive President CED